November 17

11-17-2023Notes from the PrincipalMrs. Jamie Bescak

Dear Parents,

Thank you for attending parent-teacher conferences. I appreciate your active participation in these conferences. Your involvement is crucial in strengthening our partnership and plays a vital role in your child's education.

Furthermore, I extend a warm invitation for you to join our entire school community on Wednesday morning at the lower courts for the launch of our Running with Rosco event. Students should wear their FREE Running with Rosco t-shirts with their PE uniform bottoms and tennis shoes. Each grade level will have the opportunity to run around the field with classmates, parents, and volunteers while enjoying lively music. To add to the festivities, all students will be treated to a complimentary hot dog lunch, courtesy of our Dads' Club. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Cindy Casaus and the PTO crew for their tireless dedication to ensure this event is an enjoyable experience for the kids.


November 10

11-10-2023Notes from the PrincipalMrs. Jamie Bescak

Dear Parents,

I have exciting news for you regarding our students' performance on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) administered last spring. We recently received further data comparing St. John Bosco (SJB) scores to the Diocese average scores, and I'm delighted to share the results with you.

The attached graph illustrates how our SJB students compare to other schools within the Diocese in the areas of Reading, English Language Arts (ELA), and Mathematics. The data shows that our students have demonstrated outstanding performance and have exceeded the Diocese average scores in these critical subjects.


November 3

11-03-2023Notes from the PrincipalMrs. Jamie Bescak

Dear Parents,

As we mark the conclusion of the 1st trimester, we are excited to remind you that our upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences are just around the corner. Kindly refer to the schedule below to secure your conference spot. 

Throughout this week, we have been deeply appreciative of the privilege that allows our students to wholeheartedly embrace and celebrate their Catholic faith. A heartwarming celebration unfolded on All Saints Day, as our precious first graders donned the attire of saints and processed into the church to the familiar melody of "The Saints Go Marching In" on Wednesday.