January 21

01-21-2022Notes from the PrincipalMrs. Jamie Bescak

Dear Parents,

I can’t believe that Monday is the 100th day of school! It is amazing to see how much our students have grown spiritually, physically, and academically.

Thank you for your support and patience as we continue to navigate the pandemic. We are grateful to our SJB families for following our mitigation protocol. Your diligence has paid off in a way we’d never imagined — our COVID numbers are declining and, with your help, they will continue to decrease.

Some of the CDC and Maricopa County Health Department updates have been confusing regarding quarantine and isolation; thus, in order to keep us all on the same page, I’d like to clarify a few items for our community. Please click on this video link to hear/see the updated protocol.

On a brighter note, the Catholic Schools Week Committee has been eagerly planning exciting events for our 20th Annual SJB Catholic Schools Week. We will kick off the week with an assembly in the courtyard followed by a fun event each day. Students will also get to wear something special each day to celebrate the theme of the day. We have many entertaining events planned and a few surprises too! For further details see this Catholic Schools Week Schedule of Events.

Joyful blessings,
Jamie Bescak, Principal