January 28

01-28-2022Notes from the PrincipalMrs. Jamie Bescak

Dear Parents,

Catholic Schools Week is finally here! Along with Catholic schools throughout the country, St. John Bosco will celebrate the many blessings of Catholic Education during a jam-packed week of special activities. Teachers and students have been busy preparing for the most exciting week of the school year! 


January 21

01-21-2022Notes from the PrincipalMrs. Jamie Bescak

Dear Parents,

I can’t believe that Monday is the 100th day of school! It is amazing to see how much our students have grown spiritually, physically, and academically.

Thank you for your support and patience as we continue to navigate the pandemic. We are grateful to our SJB families for following our mitigation protocol. Your diligence has paid off in a way we’d never imagined — our COVID numbers are declining and, with your help, they will continue to decrease.


January 14

01-14-2022Notes from the PrincipalMrs. Jamie Bescak

Dear Parents,

We had a busy week of DIBELS and MAP testing! We will continue with make-up testing next week for students absent this week. We want to make sure everyone gets their chance to shine and show how much they have grown academically so far this school year.

In fact, the new year is bringing many exciting things our way!

  • A new AC/filtration system was installed in the MPR over Christmas break.
  • Thanks to our Dads' Club, our school security system was updated.

January 7

01-07-2022Notes from the PrincipalMrs. Jamie Bescak

Dear Parents,

Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed time with your family and friends celebrating the birth of Christ and ringing in the new year.

Our first all-school Mass of 2022 was an extraordinary occasion. Fr. John Nahrgang from the Diocese of Phoenix concelebrated today’s Mass with Fr. Manasseh and focused on the origins and blessings of The Miraculous Medal. The entire student body, staff, and parents were thoroughly engaged as Fr. John recited historical events associated with Sr. Catherine Laboure. Just prior to the final blessing, Fr. John, Fr. Manasseh, Deacon Ed, and Mrs. Bescak presented every person in attendance with their very own blessed Miraculous Medal! What an unbelievable way to cap our first all-school Mass of the new year.