Dear Parents,
Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed time with your family and friends celebrating the birth of Christ and ringing in the new year.
Our first all-school Mass of 2022 was an extraordinary occasion. Fr. John Nahrgang from the Diocese of Phoenix concelebrated today’s Mass with Fr. Manasseh and focused on the origins and blessings of The Miraculous Medal. The entire student body, staff, and parents were thoroughly engaged as Fr. John recited historical events associated with Sr. Catherine Laboure. Just prior to the final blessing, Fr. John, Fr. Manasseh, Deacon Ed, and Mrs. Bescak presented every person in attendance with their very own blessed Miraculous Medal! What an unbelievable way to cap our first all-school Mass of the new year.
After careful consideration, I am also very pleased to announce that I have hired Mrs. Madeline Snyder as a Preschool 3s Teacher. Madeline will work alongside Mrs. Krissy Bileski and together they will provide a quality Catholic Education to our littlest learners.
Next week we will be back to business with benchmark testing. Our K - 2nd-grade students will begin DIBELS assessments in Reading and Math while 3rd - 8th-grade students will complete MAP assessments in Math, Reading, ELA, and Science. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep, a healthy breakfast, and is on time for school each day.
Finally, we continue to monitor the trends of COVID within our SJB community and surrounding areas. I want to express my appreciation to all in our community for your support and participation in our current mitigation plans as we await further information from the Maricopa County Health Department and the Diocese of Phoenix. In the meantime, we highly recommend ALL individuals wear a mask while indoors at all times. And we are grateful to parents for keeping children home with any signs of illness; this has proven to be a very effective mitigation strategy.
Joyful blessings,
Jamie Bescak, Principal